

SYNTHÈSE – Pôle Image Québec

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« SYNTHÈSE fosters the growth and development of leading-edge expertise in computer graphics and promotes cooperation among artists, students, and professionals working in Québec’s digital creation industry. » [Lien]

Franjeu: Alliance des laboratoires universitaires francophones sur le jeu

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« The main objective [of Franjeu is] to promote a better understanding of the various centers of research on games and gamification in the French-speaking world in order to foster research and teaching collaborations between laboratories, professors and students. [Franjeu also wishes] to map the various laboratories, their research objectives, the associated researchers, the studies carried out, the equipment used, the methodologies deployed, the organized educational activities, the associated study programs, etc. » [Link]

La Guilde

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« La Guilde regroups videogame developers as well as other creators and entrepreneurs in related domains, established in Quebec. Its vision is to create a fertile ground for cooperation and cocreation among developers of interactive technologies in order to make Québec a world leader in video games, through the synergy of its actors. Based on a democratic structure constructed on the cooperative, non-profit model, La Guilde is endowed with the means to respond to the real needs of independent developers in our province. » [Link]

Homo Ludens

  • Vectis

The research group Homo Ludens is interested in fun practices and online communication. Our interests concern the social, philosophical and semiotic aspects of the game by adopting a communicational perspective. [Link]

Three axes are privileged :

1. The relation to oneself, namely online identities and new forms of subjectivity.

2. The relation to the game, the concept of game, the organization of the signs and the interfaces.

3. The relationship to others through questions about socialization, communication and ethics.

Jeux Rétro MTL

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« [Retro MTL Games] is a used video game store owned by three collectors who are passionned by retro games. » [Link]

LabLabLab: New Avenues in Game Dialogue

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The LabLabLab is a FRQSC-funded project led by Jonathan Lessard at Montreal’s Concordia University. Its purpose is to explore new avenues for conversations with non-playing-characters (NPC) in digital games. It operates within the Technoculture, Art and Games research center. Its main output is games experimenting with new technologies and designs for NPC conversations and research papers documenting the process and results. [Link]

Profil Ludique

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« Profile Ludique is a francophone university podcast whose mission is to paint a detailed portrait of an emerging and controversial video game genre: the walking simulator. Each episode explores a singular issue through analyzes of iconic walking simulators while relying on scientific texts from studies of video games or cinema, literary theories, art history or philosophy.

The space of reflection created by this podcast is structured around two objectives. On the one hand, analyze in depth the aesthetic and experiential characteristics that define this new genre. On the other hand, make a mapping of cultural series, formal kinship ties and artistic hybridizations that the walking simulator has with other genres of video and media. » [Link]

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